Data Insight

Using the psychosocial data from the Questionnaires, we have built a range of AI driven risk models to assist in the risk segmentation of each claim. By using standardized Questionnaires, we can aggregate the data between clients.

Every project has a special story to tell, whether you are feeding our results into a sophisticated predictive model or looking for simple severity analysis of an existing block of claims, the Questionnaire data will help you!


Typically, between 750 and 1000 claims is when we start to see patterns in the data. Whether your focus is musculoskeletal, mental health, or other factors, it’s always revealing to spot the trends in the data.

Feedback from rehab teams is overwhelming, they love the Questionnaires, providing so much more information than they traditionally receive. The data from the Questionnaires adds a consistent scale by which to measure claims, a ‘line in the sand’, a depth of insight to assist in out-reach to an individual who needs help and support.

The value we add goes beyond the claims department, your actuarial colleagues will be very interested in the data we provide. The deeper understanding of the complications of a claim will add greatly to their reserving calculations with a much more ‘real-life’ perspective.

The Claim Lab  – Email us at

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