January 2018 – Extended Duration Claims Management

This partnership offers clients an integrated and seamless process, providing as much control as is desired. Clients have the option to proceed with any or all components of this offering.
ED PDA Process 10
Predictive Analytics
Technology is utilized to segment the claim block into three categories:
  • Settlements – Claimants who are not too old, not too sick, and maybe want a reason to try something new, a settlement may be attractive to them!
  • Risk Management – Claims that potentially have a risk management opportunity, and require further investigation.  
  • Continued Eligibility – Claims where eligibility is likely to continue to the end of the contractual period.    

ED Segmentation 4

What our customers say:
“We are no longer looking for that needle in the hay stack”
– VP of Claims
Expert Claims Management

PDA’s expert claim consultants evaluate the selected claims, which involves reviewing the claim record, researching external sources and making contact with the claimant. The certification process determines the most appropriate next steps which fall into one of two categories:

Settlement  For claims with potential for settlement, the offer will be calculated, this will be communicated to the claimant, and appropriate next steps taken.
Risk Management For claims with risk management potential, comprehensive claim reviews will identify work capacity, opportunity for vocational input, and the updating or correction of offsets.


What our customers say:
“[The PDA Staff] are professional contemporaries and I value that relationship
and partnership, holding it in the highest regard.”
-Operations Manager

This combination of skills between The Claim Lab and PDA will provide a robust and sustainable “one-stop shop” to cover the opportunity in your extended duration block.

Email us at  info@claimlab.org
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