November 2017 – Scary Monster Claimants

Scary Monster Claimants The Ability to Ask a Question In the ‘old-school-of-claims-management’, we would use a device called a ‘telephone’ to call the claimant and ask them questions. I bet that an experienced claim manager would be able to assess a claimant’s motivation after about 30 seconds of conversation, asking a few pointed questions, drilling […]

October 2017 – Measuring Motivation

Attitude Is Everything An individual’s motivation is so important when we are discussing ‘return to work’, yet in the claims management process we do not assess, measure, or quantify this factor! Typically, when we look at the claims data used to build predictive models, it’s really rather thin. The systems we use in claims management were designed […]

February 2017 – Life without work can be fatal…

White, middle class adults are killing themselves deliberately and inadvertently, quickly and slowly. How bad is a life without work? I have been asked this question a lot lately. It is becoming pretty clear that the forces of globalisation and technological progress are reshaping economies and societies, especially in advanced economies, and that these effects […]

January 2017 – This Medical Director cares about Predictive Modeling

I’m a geek. I like numbers, models, and the big picture. Like a moth to a flame, I find big data both enticing and terrifying. When it comes to outlining clinical best practices, I want to understand the available evidence. But really, why would a disability and workers compensation medical director care about predictive modeling? […]

December 2016 – STD Claims

As I go around the industry, meeting many talented and experienced people who are involved in managing disability claims operations discussing the introduction of claim segmentation, the biggest issue is the ‘change’ in the process. How to do this without causing an issue? The rational for claim segmentation is clear, as soon as we suspect that an STD […]

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