November 2016 – The Cognitive Kitchen

The Mental Health Cognitive Kitchen – Recipes for a better understanding of Mental Health conditions. The Ingredients of the Diagnosis How do we determine if someone has a medical condition?  We use tests such as MRIs and X-rays. From those tests medical conditions can be discerned and then treated appropriately. With a mental health condition there […]

Let’s Go Back To Work

The Claim Lab is developing specialized models to predict return to work (RTW) for a range of conditions. Whilst doing our research we’ve referenced some previous studies, one we found particularly interesting was published in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, ‘Let’s get back to work: survival analysis on the return-to-work after depression’.[1] Aim The aim of this […]

July 2016 – Keep Your Eye on the Goal

Work-Focused Psychotherapy Helps Employees Return To Work Sooner Research published online in APA’s Journal of Occupational Health Psychology has found that employees who received work-focused therapy, returned to work sooner, did not suffer adverse effects and showed significant improvement in mental health over the course of one year. It turns out that maintaining a strong […]

May 2016 – Measuring Self Esteem

A vital tool for disability insurers is the ability to measure self-esteem, to help separate the medical issues from the psychological issues and assist in the return to work process. Trying to better understand the complex interplay between the physical healing process and the mental health issues is hard using traditional methods. Claim managers in […]

April 2016 – Linking Physical and Mental Health

Mental health is still largely misunderstood in comparison to physical health, but we are getting better as a society at seeing the link between the two. Improvements are being made, but less has been done to reflect these links in the healthcare system, social security or even workers compensation insurance. The Claim Lab has recently […]

February 2016 – New Insight into Permanently & Totally Disabled

The use of automated questionnaires to check the well-being of long term claims could provide new insight into severe and complex claims. Typically most LTD claims operations will have an active caseload of 80 to 120 claims per claim manager. For claims that appear to be longer term, a separate unit operates. This unit takes […]

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